Immersive VisualAudioDesign: Spectral Editing in VR

Authors. Lars Engeln, Natalie Hube, Rainer Groh
Venue. Audio Mostly (2018) Full Paper
Type. Full Paper
Materials. DOI PDF
Abstract. VisualAudioDesign (VAD) is an attempt to design audio in a visual way. The frequency-domain visualized as a spectrogram construed as pixel data can be manipulated with image filters. Thereby, an approach is described to get away from direct DSP parameter manipulation to a more comprehensible sound design. Virtual Reality (VR) offers immersive insights into data and embodied interaction in the virtual environment. VAD and VR combined enrich spectral editing with a natural work-flow. Therefore, a design paper prototype for interaction with audio data in an virtual environment was used and examined.
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